Episode 46: A Photoshoit

Once upon a time, in a world far, far too close to our own, a mean ogre (see: client) trolled the prettiest princesses in all the land (see: our photography business).

The mean ogre no-showed not one, but two balls (see: phone calls), before subsequently sending the princesses mail via a certified pigeon (see: email). Except, the message was written *on* the pigeon (see: subject line), and the scroll (see: email again) was left blank.

The mean ogre then had the AUDACITY to ask the pretty princesses,

“What do you think about lowering your rates?” And the pretty princesses went ahead and tucked themselves in bed, deciding to wait until someone else wrote a better story, because they just could NOT anyMORE.

~ The end ~

We have 1000 questions and 1 million concerns. You probably do, too.

In today’s stories episode, we of course shared our own VERY ANNOYING STORY (see: mean ogre and princesses above). We then heard about…

*A weird magazine and ALL CAPS EMAILS ABOUT PHOTOSHOITS (typo included)
*Creative predators
*Secret post-it note inquiries
*Hair and makeup for a hands-only shoot
*A client’s visceral response to the color yellow
*And the glorious feedback of: “I don’t know, I just don’t like it”

So, yeah. The ogre? He was just the tip of the iceberg.
Just know this - if anyone ever calls you “sis,” RUN. 🏃‍♀️

You know you’re sitting on a good story that you’re just dying to share. Send it into perourlastemail.com. Submit the story now, deal with your conscience later.

Forever accepting memes, gifs and stress-relieving videos via IG, too. Find us at @perourlastemail @weekendcreative

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