Episode 8: I am Not The One Feat. Aundre Larrow

Part of us wanted to just leave the summary blank, because with a title like that, you really don’t need a summary.

HOWEVER, for the sake of professionalism and our inherent need to type our angst into words, you’re going to get a summary.

In today’s episode, we had a visit with Aundre Larrow, who filled us in on some of his worst freelancing stories. They of course include danger, sexual harassment, and wasted time. 

Not that anyone asked.

We’ll also cover the topics of choosing when to book a client, and when to pass. Because your time is valuable, sweetie.

If you’re ready to hear us pick on each other, it’s probably time for you to mix up a drink and listen in!  And of course, if you’ve got a crazy freelancing story to share, submit it at perourlastemail.com. We promise to read it as dramatically as possible. 💁

Follow Aundre on IG at @aundre and check out his site at aundrelarrow.com.

Watch his Adobe Live Stream at bit.ly/adoveliveaundre.

Follow us on Instagram: @perourlastemail @weekendcreative @annamcnaughty