Episode 94: Well… I Have This Other Idea… ft. Suzanne Clements

On this week’s podcast we’re hanging out with our IG friend turned pod guest, creative photographer and artist Suzanne Clements! We’re talking about alllll the things (and red flags) with grapefruit, cranberry, and vodka cocktails named “What a Breeze,” which is aptly named for the best kind of clients AND Suzanne’s Florida livin’.

We dove in talking about Suzanne’s journey to photography and why she loves the kind of work she does before getting to hear about her insanely cool personal project called relax.rehab (think: 80s pop and synth music meets imagery — seriously so fascinating). Then we got to hear some of Suzanne’s WILD client experiences, including a ~wildly inappropriate~ male client who told her to try out some nipple balm for her boyfriend (ugh. ew) and a client who expected her to somehow have access to a private jet for photos.

Sigh. Do you ever just…?

Because we do, too.

Alright, friends! Come hang out with us and Suzanne — see you there!

Send your most audacious stories, thoughts, highs and lows to perourlastemail.com.

Forever accepting memes, gifs and stress-relieving videos via Instagram, too.

Follow Suzanne on IG at @suzannecgd and check out her website at suzanneclements.com

Check out her personal project: Relax.rehab

Follow us on Instagram: @perourlastemail @weekendcreative